Full Stack Developer
B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technology)
Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad 2018 - presentXII - Senior Secondary
GSM Public School 2016 - 2018X - High School
GSM Public School, Ghaziabad 2014 - 2016publications
Smart Attendence System Using Face Recognition (21/06/2021)
- JavaScript
- React
- C++
Smart Attendence System Using Face Recognition (09/2020 - 12/2020)
It is a, ERP system that helps in managing attendence record of students using face recoginition.
Students using face recoginition. Faceapi is used for face recognition process.
Tech stack used - MERN
It saves time, which is wasted during marking attendence manually
Node Shop (11/2020 - 11/2020)
An E-Commerce Website which helps to buy or sell books
Stripe API is used for payment gateway
Mailgun is used for sending mail to user, after signup and during resetting password.
Nodejs, Express, ejs (view engine), mongoDb is used for building the website.
Places App (03/2021 - 04/2021)
It is a social media platform where you can share your daily check in places to everyone.
Mapbox API is used for integrating map. Places can be view on Map.
Tech Stack used - MERN..
Is heavily uses react hooks, and context api for state management.
Full Stack Web Developer Intern
API LogisticsDesigned Customer Portal (frontend) using Reactjs, with the help of Material UI, React hooks, Redux, React-final-form
Build REST API for the customer portal using nodejs (express.js), integrate Last Mile API (Delhivery) for fetching rates, designed an algorithm for calculating rates from own database, which is 100% accurate and 70-75% efficient from previous method
Designed a database model which is very efficient from previous model, which increased the speed for retrieving data upto 60-70%
Hosted the UI on Amplify (AWS) and backend on EC2 with S3 bucket
JavaScript (Basic) Certificate (08/2020 - 08/2020)
It covers topics like, Functions, Currying, Hoisting, Scope, Inheritance, Events and Error Handling.